Most people assume image optimization is downloading an image from any stock photo site, uploading it on the backend ,and then Inserting the image on the page. But it’s not image optimization. It’s an quite old way now. It will only increase the weight of the page which will lead to slowing down the whole site. Remember, the search engine cannot read your images without the Alt. texts. So for that, you should be careful to know what real image optimization is.
It’s Image SEO which helps to redirect the traffic in your site with the right Alt. image texts, compression along with other SEO tricks. Without proper image optimization, you are losing an SEO asset which is very much important on the business increase through your website.
Here are some SEO tips for image optimization :
Though image SEO is a complex thing I’m sure after going through this article you can easily make your SEO without hiring a team or spending a single penny on it! Now you can increase the website traffic and put it at the top of the search list through the image optimization process.